Monday, January 4

A New Year Begins

The prospect of returning to a five day workweek after the holiday season is never an enticing one. Leaving my apartment, I wonder if I might have left my new coffee machine on by accident. I’ve only used it twice and haven’t quite gotten used to it yet, and I don’t remember anything about an automatic turn-off in the manual.

I’m holding the book “Brisingr” in my hands. My neighbor, in the elevator, asks if I like it. I tell him I find it entertaining , but that it’s no literary masterpiece. He saw the movie “Eragon”, based on the first book in the series, and didn’t like it. I couldn’t agree more.

I get to the station, walk through the tunnel, and - hearing the train arrive as I pass the turnstiles - make a run for it. I am surprised to be out of breath by the time I get to the platform and onto the train, but I do make it on board before it leaves the station. I am well on the way to getting to work on time – my New Year’s resolution.


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