Wednesday, January 13

Jam Packed

Right outside my building I see Ezra F.  He says hello and I cross the street, on my way to the subway.  When I reach Overlook, I look back towards 187th and I can see Ruthie W. walking with her husband.

The platform is packed.  Marc R. is here and nods to me; I say hello and continue walking, through a myriad of people, towards my spot.   Passing Kara G. I wave, and she smiles in return.  Jon E. is standing near my spot when I reach it.

An A train comes and goes without stopping.  There are numerous announcements about mechanical delays on the A line as the station continues to fill with impatient passengers.  When another train finally arrives it is already packed with people and I spend the ride squashed between a small man of questionable scent and the very large purse of a woman. 


bopbeeboop said...

that walk and talk is the weirdest thing ever. i challenge someone to do it and tell me what it does to their relationship.

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