Wednesday, January 27

A New Sign

Having just missed the elevator, I take the stairs down to the lobby.  Outside the building I see Avi N. walking back from synagogue, alongside someone else whose face I can't make out from the distance.

On the corner of 186th Street and Overlook a primitive "Raise Plow" sign, painted on a plank of wood, has been attached to a lamppost.  I am pondering its origin when a car pulls up next to me.  My next door neighbor Shaindle S. rolls down the window and, as other cars behind her start honking, she asks if I can drop a letter into the mailbox for her.  I happily oblige and use the opportunity to further examine the sign, which is actually just above the mailbox.

Further ahead, I see Nomi G. on her cell phone as she enters the train station.  I make it to the platform and spot Sara R. at the bottom of the stairs.  Her hair is perfectly straight.  Walking to my spot, I pass Giti L. and she waves.  I wave back and, continuing on, pass Nomi, who is now talking to someone else and doesn't notice me.  The train pulls in just as I reach my spot.

At 59th, I sit on a bench to wait for one of the Orange-line trains.  I think that’s Bonnie G. who has just passed me, in a pristine white coat and high heels; she walked by too quick to tell.  I'll email her later and find out.


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