Tuesday, May 25


I walk out onto Bennett and see Ilan R. up ahead. It feels great to be out of the house before 6 - the streets are quieter, the air is fresher, and even the people are friendlier. A random stranger on 186th wishes me a good morning.

My tooth still hurts from yesterday's dental work but it doesn't stop me from eating a bagel on the way. I say the "Grace After Meals" while walking on Overlook. I know you're really supposed to be seated when saying it, but then again, you aren't really supposed to be eating in the street, according to Jewish Law. The garden vegetable cream cheese does wonders for my breath.

On the platform, I run into Avi C. He is wearing a red and white striped polo, which is odd because nearby a balding, Hispanic man is also wearing one. Also near Avi is a quasi-attractive blonde who I notice is eyeing me as I walk down the platform.

The train arrives after about ten minutes - one of the pitfalls of early morning commute being a sparser subway schedule - and the car smells like industrial cleanser. I don't mind though, I've got the entire South wing to myself.


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