Wednesday, July 15

A Rabbi and a Priest

I am tired and in a bit of a haze when I recognize Rabbi B. of the not so local synagogue I've been frequenting lately. He is at the foot of the stairs when I get down to the subway platform. This is funny to me, because just last Saturday, at synagogue, my friend Koby was speaking with the rabbi and they were talking about how they always run into each other on the subway.

Also on the platform is Dani U. who I seem to have spent more time with this week than ever before in my life. He lives across the street and the other night he and Sara came over for a few hours of Wii. The three of us also had lunch together that same day, and there's a party I'll see him at this coming up this weekend, so I hope I don't overdose.

We discuss the Wii videos we took the other night and as the train pulls into the station I am too lazy to walk to my usual spot. We sit together and chat some more. A lawyer, Dani is early for work, and I, of course, am late. A man across from us is reading on a Kindle or similar device, and we discuss the technology a bit, as well as some random neighborhood politics. There are also sorts of topics for us to chat about, in fact, but it's also quite clear that the two of us are still somewhat asleep. We get off at 59th and head in separate ways, as I debate the worth of untangling my headphones for just two more stops on the next train.


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