Wednesday, February 17


It’s been another rough morning and despite my best efforts I am so behind on schedule that I’ve had to email everyone at the office and let them know I’ll be late.  Even with caffeine, everything is a blur.  I rush to the station and notice simply that the snow has started to melt, small chunks occasionally falling down from tree branches and fire escapes above.

On Overlook, I look upwards (in an attempt to avoid aforementioned falling snow chunks) and notice that one of the retaining walls in the schoolyard at the top of the hill has a large crack in it.  Does the school know about the crack?  Is it dangerous?  Should I be reporting this to someone?

Walking into the station and heading down the tunnel I hear the train approaching.  I run to the turnstiles but by the time I swipe my metrocard, I realize it’s an uptown train and slow my pace all the way to my usual spot.  The downtown arrives a few minutes later.

At this hour, there are few people on the train and getting a seat is easy.  In an attempt to stave the monotony and boredom, I reach for my Blackberry and watch forty minutes worth of the movie “Wolvesbayne.”  As far as vampire movies are concerned, it’s not much of a winner and watching it during the ride makes me jealous of the woman next to me.  She also has a Blackberry, but it is silently perched on her lap as she nods away.


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